PHOTO: Enough is enough: Kiwis are leaving NZ in their droves

Almost 11,000 more people left the country in the year ended May than arrived, new data from Stats NZ shows.

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It shows a provisional net migration loss of 10.700 for the year, made up of 8400 non-citizens and 2300 New Zealand citizens.

In the year, 47,500 migrants arrived but 58,200 departed.

In the previous year, there was a net loss of 4200 migrants.

Provisional data for June shows 214,147 departures and 206,163 arrivals.

Further relaxation of border restrictions, which included the removal of the requirement for Covid-19 pre-departure tests in mid-June 2022 coincided with this increase, Stats NZ said.

It is expected that the number of New Zealanders leaving the country will increase now that the borders are reopening.

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A survey by MYOB showed that 4% of those polled said they had decided to move overseas. Another 20% were considering it.

The 4900 migrant arrivals in the month of May was down 6% on May 2021 while the 5700 departures was down 9%.

Infometrics economist Brad Olsen said the 42% fall in inward New Zealand citizen migration and the 14% rise in annual New Zealand citizen migration departures reinforced his view that there was a “brain drain” of local talent.

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